Frequently Asked Questions for Neil Mairs, President of Solutions Recruiting
Why should I work with a recruiter?
There are several reasons, but the first is the mentoring an experienced recruiter like me can provide – before, during, and after the interview process. I have direct contact with hiring organizations and fully understand their needs, preferences, and mind set. I also prep all candidates for interviews and can provide tactical assistance with things like resume, handling tough interview questions, and hiring manager hot buttons.
How do you find out about open positions?
I have a robust network of companies that I work with that contact me to help them fill key positions on an ongoing basis. Often I hear from new companies or those whose needs are less frequent, and I keep connected with people I place in management roles. Further, I am networking all the time and I hear about opportunities in the course of my regular search efforts that others would not.
How can I make myself more attractive to employers?
An essential part of any job fit is having the basic skills the employer wants, so the first step is establishing this. However, there can be MANY people that have the appropriate qualifications and basic skills, so from here engagement and preparation is the key. You want to show you’re interested, engaged and do your homework on the company and the hiring manager.
Will people find out I’m looking at other jobs if I talk to you?
First of all, confidentiality is very important to me. Your information is not released to anyone unless you approve it, and then only to a select group of hiring companies you’ve approved. Secondly, I will not acknowledge to anyone that we’ve spoken, not even to the person that referred you, if that’s the case. Further, the instances of discovery I’ve observed are very rare and are generally associated with someone the candidate themselves have contacted. Your information is safe with me!
What will you do with my resume when I send it to you?
Unless you authorize me to release it, your resume doesn’t go anywhere. If you authorize me to release it, I will send it to the specific hiring managers and organizations you approve. There is no value in sending the resumes of uninterested candidates to anyone.
Who pays for the services of Solutions Recruiting?
For placement services, the hiring organization always pays the fee. For example, if I send a resume to a hiring company and the candidate accepts a job there, the hiring company pays for my services. Alternately, job seekers have an option to retain my services for career counseling, which is detailed elsewhere on this site. I am happy to give advice to all I work with, and if we get into a situation where we are venturing into a fee-based option, you’ll know before we start.
Can you help people in other fields besides mine? In other cities?
In terms of geography Solutions Recruiting’s business is national, so we work with people all over the U.S. We can provide counseling and networking advice to people in all industries, but our ability to provide placement services is limited to the industries we work in.
Will you share everything with me about an open position and/or hiring organization?
All information you need to make a career decision will be disclosed over the course of the recruiting and hiring process. Sometimes there is information our clients and the hiring organizations request we not disclose immediately, until we determine there is some ground for mutual interest.
How do you find people for open positions?
My search process starts with listening to the hiring organizations about what they’re looking for. They will have both quantitative and qualitative specifications, and while it’s the former that gets a candidate the interview, it’s the latter – the “fit” – that gets them the job. From there, I develop a strategy for where to find candidates with the right skills – the industry, company, function, and market where good candidates are going to be found. Then I use my own extensive database of over 15,000 contacts, developed and nurtured for years, for both candidates and networking sources. Lastly, I use external databases to enhance my own and to add energy to the search.
I generally look for passive candidates – people currently working somewhere, but who are open to hearing about a superior opportunity. When I contact them, I listen for resonance with what the hiring company seeks, and what the candidate’s interests are. If it seems like a good fit, I will put them together.
How did you get my name?
If we haven’t had contact before, I’ve probably received your information from 1) someone has referred you , or 2) a database like LinkedIn or Monster. If it is from a database, there is a specific reason why – something about your background makes me believe there’s a potential fit for my hiring client. I don’t do mass mailings or attempt to blanket markets – I am very targeted in my efforts.
If it’s a referral, someone gave me your name or I’ve had it come from a customer, vendor, competitor, or a fellow employee. As confidentiality is a big part of my business, if I’ve been asked to keep the referral confidential, I honor that. In my business, 100% of the time it’s done in a positive context.
Will you e-mail me job descriptions and salary info before we speak?
Respect is very important to me, and I would never want to commoditize you or my hiring client by sending you this type of information before we speak. I want to try to know something about you as an individual, before we get to specific details like salary. Some other recruiters may do it this way, but at Solutions Recruiting we’ve been doing this for over a decade, and believe this is the best process for success.
How do I know my boss didn’t put you up to calling me?
In my experience, the concept of the boss having someone call to check on an employee’s loyalty is an urban myth – I’ve never actually spoke to anyone that has had it happen, or knew anyone directly that did. Any conversation I have with a candidate is confidential even after they go to work for a client, so that’s not information I share nor is that a service I would provide clients.
What are the rules for working with Solutions Recruiting?
My requirements are simple – candidates need to be 1) respectful 2) responsive – get back to me in 24 hours or less 3) honest 4) open.
Why Solutions Recruiting?
Our mentoring, integrity, contacts, and support skills are superior to other recruiters. My experience is also vastly different than most – I have been a VP and hiring executive, so I know the “why’s” and “how’s” for hiring companies and managers as they go through the hiring process. Also, check out what other candidates have to say about us!
Why work with a recruiter?
One way a manager can make a great impact on their organization is through new hires. An executive recruiter who specializes in finding the right candidates for the job is able to do this quicker, better and will help find more qualified candidates. Just like it makes sense to outsource other important business processes, it’s just as important here.
How do you find people for open positions?
My search process starts with listening to the hiring organizations about what they’re looking for. They will have both quantitative and qualitative specifications, and while it’s the former that gets a candidate the interview, it’s the latter – the “fit” – that gets them the job. From there, I develop a strategy for where to find candidates with the right skills – the industry, company, function, and market where good candidates are going to be found. Then I use my own extensive database of over 15,000 contacts, developed and nurtured for years, for both candidates and networking sources. Lastly, I use external databases to enhance my own and to add energy to the search.
I generally look for passive candidates – people currently working somewhere, but who are open to hearing about a superior opportunity. When I contact them, I listen for resonance with what the hiring company seeks, and what the candidate’s interests are. If it seems like a good fit, I will put them together.
Why Solutions Recruiting?
As a recruiter my value to my clients is re-evaluated on every transaction. There’s no way I could be a top performer at recruiting and career services for so long without being highly skilled. Just check out what other hiring managers and organizations have to say!
Is there a guarantee?
Yes, we do offer a guarantee on placements made. Ask us about them!